Sunday 7 August 2016


this is one of my favourite song from a day to remember..cause when I read the lyric, its kinda related to me huhuhu

So I say goodbye to a town that has ears and eyes
I can hear you whispering as I walk by
Familiar faces smiling back at me and I knew
This would make them change

The only thing that's going to bother me
Is that you'll all call yourselves my friends

Why can't you look me in the eyes one last time?

The writings on the wall, you've read that I'll be gone, but if you call my name
Just know that I'll come running, for one more night to spare with you
This is where I'm meant to be, please don't leave me

I've read these stories a thousand times, and now I'll rewrite them all
You're meddling in an anger you can't control
She means the world to me, so hold your serpent tongue
Is a whores lies worth dying for? I'll just take my time

The only thing that's going to bother me
Is that you'll all call yourselves my friends

Why can't you look me in the eyes one last time?

The writings on the wall, you've read that I'll be gone, but if you call my name
Just know that I'll come running, for one more night to spare with you
This is where I'm meant to be, please don't leave me

I walked into your house this morning
I brought the gun from our end table
Your blood was strewn across the walls
They'll find you on your bathroom floor when I'm done
But should I write it all off?

You should have killed me when you had the chance

 the meaning behind this song

"So I say goodbye to a town that has ears and eyes"
/* saying goodbye to a home town, its actually really poetic what he says here, hes running away, he feels the town hes in see and hears what he does, like its evil or something, usually thats the embodiment you give something that is evil anyways. */

"I can hear you whispering as I walk by"
/* this is accually used in poetry to describe that hes thinking of someone, he can hear them in his head */

Familiar faces smiling back at me and I knew this would make them change
/* he can see the faces of people he knows smiling at him as he walks/drives, memories */

"The only thing that's going to bother me
Is that you'll all call yourselves my friends"
/* he finds it heartbreaking knowing someone who has hurt him so bad would call them self his friends, obvious who ever hes talking bout has betrayed him in some way */

"Why can't you look me in the eye one last time?"
/* it hurts him that he cant be looked in the eyes anymore. ussually when someone has done something harmful to someone, they have a hard time looking at them the same way anymore, i belive thats the case here. */

"The writings on the wall, you've read that I'll be gone, but if you call my name just know that I'll come running"
/* hes left something behind, hes leaving, but not his feelings for whom ever hes speaking of. so if they call him he still feels obliged to help, the trouble being of course he doesn't feel they need him */

for one more night to spare with you this is where I'm meant to be, please don't leave me
/* he still obviously cares for what he left behind but he doesn't feel he belongs there, sp hes saying even though hes gone he doesnt want to lose what he had */

"I’ve read these stories a thousand times, and I’ll rewrite them all"
/* hes seen this so many times before, now hes going to change how it ends for once. */

"You’re meddling in an anger you can’t control
She means the world to me, so hold your serpent tongue
Is a whores lies worth dying for? I'll just take my time"
/* i think this is where the song takes an interesting turn, he seems to be referring for the first time that what he left behind was a girl, i feel that this is actually a conversation he has at one point with someone that had entered her life while she was gone. i believe the line 'is a whores lies worth dying for' is actually something someone said to him when he was talking about the situation and that possibley what had entered this girls life is another guy that hes not getting along with */

I walked into your house this morning
I brought the gun from our end table
Your blood was strewn across the walls
They'll find you on your bathroom floor when I'm done
/*this could be referring to the girl or guy, knowing jeremys writing style most likely the girl but i dont think he guy should be ruled out. personally i believe its the guy, but the message regardless of who it is intended for is very clear */

But should I write it all off?
/* this is actually a figure of speech, meaning really that, he cant decide if he should let it all go. */

You should have killed me when you had the chance
/* referring to the girl or guy, that she/he should have ended it before he had that chance to because it would have ended better */ 

Wednesday 3 August 2016


Assalamualaikum semua...yeah aku 2 minggu ni akn sibuk dengan training handball..cause of nearest game is around 13th of might be a little bit busy for a while...well at least aq bwk laptop if aq ad ap2 update bole ja cerita..ahahhaa yeah today is the 1st day of training...



Tuesday 2 August 2016


Assalamualaikum...yeah aku semangat nk cerita sbb konsert simple plan dh nk dekat so semangat ah nk cerita ni...hahaha these are some of my favourite band which are simple plan , a day to remember, skillet and 3 days grace...ap yg common band ni adalah depa kebanyakkn bwk lagu rock or pop punk...yeah bila aq dok teringat balik I was a spoilt child...di mna time kawan2 ko semua pakat minat david archuletta or minat korea apa big bang ap lagi den tak tau... aq minat lagu punk

cause during my young age I was quite a rebel slalu carik masalah..and I always stay alone...even my parent always busy  with work days and balik ruma x tau buat apa dengar ja lagu...bila aq dengar lagu band2 ni aq rsa cm depa fham hidup aku..most of the time that song give me the spirit to futher my life..making me continue this horrible life during the past

a song can help you to be what if you like a soft song or orang melayu kita kata lagu jiwang karat...just hear your favourite song ...cause they dont know whats the meaning of that song to shut the hell up people who hates your song...

Monday 1 August 2016


                 Assalamualaikum ,dah agak  lama tak update pasal blog..hari ni aku nak cerita pasal topik yang rasanya ramai mengalami iaitu depress..depress ni antara penyakit mental illness yang bole katakan hampir semua mengalami..apa punca depress?macam2 bole puncakan depress..sama ada family,kawan,pelajaran,cinta and the list go on..depression can hit you like a to cure this mental illness? ada yang sembuh secepat 10 minit dan ada yang selama 1 bulan heck even ad sampai sekarang still x sembuh penyakit tu

                 depression ni if x dapat dikawal bahaya..bole menyebabkan kematian sbb seseorang itu akan merasa seperti nak bunuh diri..aku dlu hampir nak bunuh diri but thanks to my friend depa sempat halang niat aq tu..depa amik pisau dari aku and buang sejauh...yes at 1 time aqnya depression bole tahan took me almost 6 years to control my emotion..Alhamdulillah sekarang depression dah tak seteruk dulu..but I would be lied if kadang2 tak rasa depress..just tak seteruk different type of depression it depends on the person..if aku mostly sedih or marah tanpa kawalan..

               here's are some tips for those who is trying to control their depression or mabye nk tlng member overcome their depression

1.never and I mean NEVER used these words or sentences when seseorang itu depress 
   -just pull yourself together
   -you dont like feeling that way? So,change it
   -you will be okay,just hang it there, it will pass
   -snap out of it will you?
   -well,everyone gets depressed sometimes!

 ayat2 ni just membuatkan diri anda or member anda lagi menyampah dengan korang..orang yang sedang depress depa xleh think straight..and even sometimes they will think to commit suicide

2.yang ni depends on that person.some person prefers to be alone but know this..even though they think like they want to be alone but actually they want someone to be by their side and hear their story..orang yang depress mmang kena ad someone untuk tenangkan for me example..yes aku perlukan someone dengar cerita aku bila aku depress..if not I will start to think stupid things.. might sound odd but bersukan help us to forget about that depress thing sometimes..heck if sukan korang yang aggresive korang akan rasa satisfied bila lepas main

4.avoid going to place where you have a memory with someone u depress...ini if korang depress dengan member or orang yang korang sayang..sebab trust me,you WILL be even MORE DEPRESS!

5.pergi ke tempat yang for me,aku suka tempat yang ada air seperti tasik or sungai or even tngok langit..itu aku..different people like  different things depends on what religion you came from..if korang Islam, amikla wuduk dan solat sunat..In Shaa Allah Allah akan tolong korang..

these are some tips to overcome depression..these are based on my experience ....if rasa korang still terok dengan depress..aku sarankn pergi jumpa dengan pakar ..maybe korang bukan depress...u might have bipolar disorder or another type of mental illness..thats all for today 
