Tuesday 2 August 2016


Assalamualaikum...yeah aku semangat nk cerita sbb konsert simple plan dh nk dekat so semangat ah nk cerita ni...hahaha these are some of my favourite band which are simple plan , a day to remember, skillet and 3 days grace...ap yg common band ni adalah depa kebanyakkn bwk lagu rock or pop punk...yeah bila aq dok teringat balik I was a spoilt child...di mna time kawan2 ko semua pakat minat david archuletta or minat korea apa big bang ap lagi den tak tau... aq minat lagu punk

cause during my young age I was quite a rebel slalu carik masalah..and I always stay alone...even my parent always busy  with work days and balik ruma x tau buat apa dengar ja lagu...bila aq dengar lagu band2 ni aq rsa cm depa fham hidup aku..most of the time that song give me the spirit to futher my life..making me continue this horrible life during the past

a song can help you to be what if you like a soft song or orang melayu kita kata lagu jiwang karat...just hear your favourite song ...cause they dont know whats the meaning of that song to shut the hell up people who hates your song...

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